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Nãm Nãm Niños: A Spanglish Dinnertime Adventure
  • Nãm Nãm Niños: A Spanglish Dinnertime Adventure

    SKU: NNN2024_HB

    ¿Tienes Hambre? When los niños only want Spaghetti for dinner, Mamá y Papá decide to take dinner time out of la casa. Will los niños discover a new taste for foods all over the world or will they stick with their classic order of espaquetis? Are you hungry?


    Come along with us on a cultural experience while we try new foods from different places. Ñam Ñam Niños will have your kids willing to try new comidas while learning how to order foods in Spanish!


    Help these niños expand their palates while building cultural awareness, Spanish speaking skills, and enjoying fun learning activities. ¡Ñam Ñam Niños!


    Written By: Lisa Brown

    Illustrated By: Tiye Samone

      Expected to ship in June 2024.


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